Intensive, effective SCENAR Online training!

Pro or Home Devices

Same professional online training course for Pro and home devices (Sport D) We demystify SCENAR!

Intelligent Tuition

Your trainers are SCENAR practitioners with over 34 years combined experience.

Successful Outcome

You will understand professional SCENAR, and you will be able to apply this to your therapy practice.

scenar online training course

Training Support

We don't just train you, we support you by phone, email and of course, access to the videos for 365 days.

More courses available

We already have six more SCENAR training courses being developed or waiting for accreditation.

Training Manual

No more unreadable support notes, we have an amazing full colour 52 page reference manual as well as downloadable support material.

Qualified Trainers, Qualified Therapists

Training courses designed by, written by, tested by and delivered by qualified teachers and SCENAR therapists with 34 years combined experience. This is successful SCENAR online training delivered like never before. Over 2 years in the making, our online courses WILL provide you with the professional and practical knowledge you need to be a successful SCENAR therapist from day one, fully certified! Our day job is running a successful SCENAR pain relief clinic, our real life experiences are applied to our training.

View our Intro Movie!

Recent Candidate Reviews...

I have done other scenar training courses which were SO confusing and unclear. To much to take in, too complicated and left me wondering what to do. The SCENAR Excel training course was incredible! Easy to learn, amazing results and fun at the same time. The course has enabled me to now really implement scenar into my day-to-day working practices. Thank you.
Carys Thornton
Sports Therapist
I had a colleague that had previously undertaken a SCENAR training course in the UK and she never uses the SCENAR in her treatments because she still does not understand it? I did the 'SCENAR Excel Training' and it was amazing - simple, straight forward, clear and very effective. I was using it at work from day one. My colleague is now booked in on the next SCENAR Excel training.
Carl Stuart
Massage Therapist
I have just had a great 2 days Scenar training with Jenny and Steve. The course covered everything from the equipment you need, how Scenar works, treatment combinations and protocols, through to marketing yourself and gaining new business. Lots of time and guidance was given to practical work and clients were supplied for you to work on. I came away feeling really inspired and the great reference manual has been a real help in looking up things post course. I think Scenar is a great addition to any therapist’s skill base and my clients have loved this addition to my existing massage work. Thank you! Lorraine
Lorraine Prideaux
Wilbury School of Massage
Thank you for a very informative, accessible scenar learning programme. I found the training manual and bullet points on the big screen invaluable. And Jenny’s readiness and patience to answer questions and be on hand to guid me most me through the practice was very reassuring . It was helpful to be learning in a small group as I felt I had enough attention when I needed it, yet also the space to practice and solidify my learning. Amazing training. Many thanks Jenny and Steve
Katrina Wakefield
Massage Therapist

Why we developed this series of SCENAR online training courses...

The standard format for SCENAR training is Level 1 and Level 2 along with specialist Master Classes, and Level 3 if you are feeling brave. These courses include a lot of complicated protocols that in all honesty you will struggle to remember and in practical reality either never or once in a blue moon ever use! I am certainly not putting down the existing training methods, we did them and they are intensive and a sound foundation for becoming a SCENAR practitioner.

BUT all the existing training courses only show you complicated and time consuming protocols and discuss to some extent when and what conditions/ailments to use certain protocols for, but give no solid structure on how to use these protocols on your clients and more importantly how to get your existing and new potential clients through the door for SCENAR therapy.

Our online SCENAR training courses will enable you to learn at your own pace and the extensive videos will guide you at every stage. Buying a course gives you full access for 365 days, at which point you can pay a nominal subscription for a further 12 months to use the videos as reference. Each video series is supported with downloadable handouts and if you really get stuck, we are here to help. Phone, email, or message, we provide the support to answer your questions. As we develop new techniques and effective approaches we will add new videos to the course, giving you immediate access.

SCENAR online training

What you will learn...

The starting point is the basics. Even if you have done other SCENAR training courses over the years, how successful have you been in integrating the course content or your new found skills into your existing practice?

Difficult isn’t it. If you feel ‘it is working’ in your practice, then ask yourself if it could be working better or in a different way?

Is there more I could be doing with my SCENAR treatments, would you like to accelerate your clients healing process?

This course will cover what you need to know to accelerate your SCENAR business without getting ‘brain-fog’ in all the over technical waffle which only helps disillusion your belief in what you as a therapist can achieve with your SCENAR device.

The professional training course includes a reference book, built from over 270 downloadable full colour illustrated pages.

So in order to undertake the course all you need is yourself and your SCENAR, we provide everything else (except from accessories that are available from our shop).

We can even sell you a competitively priced SCENAR Sport D V2 or a range of Professional devices and accessories.

Get in touch – book a training course and if you buy your SCENAR and accessories you can get a nice discount with the Therapist Packs in our shop!! We ship worldwide.

You will fit into one of three categories...

Our experience has shown us that you are likely to fit into one of the three categories below. The last one ‘SCENAR but not using it’ is an alarming fact but there are so many therapists in this category!

scenar sport D device for scenar online training

new to scenar therapy

You are an existing therapist or someone who is looking for a career change?

adding scenar online training to your existing therapist skills

existing alternative therapist

You are an existing therapist and looking to add SCENAR to your practice.

scenar professional device for scenar online training

scenar trained but not using

Have previously undertaken other SCENAR training but could not understand it??

We see Massage Therapists, Osteopaths, Sports therapists, Chiropracters, Acupuncturists, Physiotherapists and an array of alternative therapists all seeing the benefit that SCENAR therapy can offer their practice.

Over 20% of our enquiries come from people that are looking for a career change and have experienced SCENAR in the past. They are undertaking their Anatomy & Physiology and require the Professional online SCENAR training.

Horrifically our research has shown us that there are A LOT of traditional and alternative therapists out there that have ALREADY undertaken SCENAR training over the past few years but were unable to make it work in their practice either from lack of understaning of the complex training or the inability of selling SCENAR as a service.

Our professional training is designed to accommodate and re-educate all of the above with ease. Clear, precise, effective and easy to follow SCENAR online training with marketing and practice integration help.

This is the training course that demystifies the complexity of SCENAR and gives you an effective and rapid way of treating your clients while learning how to integrate your new skills into your practice, fast! Learn from the comfort of your own desk.

What does the course cover?

The list below outlines some of the structure of the course:

Extensive scenar online training downloadable documents

Full colour 270 page downloadable training brochure that is so detailed it will serve as a reference book for years to come.
Processional SCENAR training delivered to your computer, creating a professional learning environment.

As you print out the handouts you can place them in a binder to form the complete manual by the end of the training.

The secret to SCENAR success

If you want to know the secret to success with SCENAR, stop looking for labels – look for signs. Use your intuition! Learn to see, to listen, to understand what the body is trying to tell you, and when you do, assist it without overwhelming. Don’t dictate to the body, Talk to it. It is no different than in any relationship: if you want it to work, learn to listen.

Our SCENAR online training is about precisely that; we teach you how to interact with your SCENAR (home device or Pro) and add your client into that interaction. This is called the Healing Triangle.

Our approach to training is uncomplicated, thorough and effective. We are a registered Training house with full certification and insurance able to deliver a professional result. All our training material is copyrighted and protected by licence.

For more information on how SCENAR works visit our sister site…

Interacting with your client

It is of great importance to win your patients confidence and belief.  They must trust and believe in you before the first treatment in order for you to maximise the SCENAR results and have a strong start to the treatment plan. We will teach you interaction methods and practices to maximise your client results and retention.

A therapists approach

We will show you how to handle your existing clients as well as getting new ones. Ways to properly and successfully integrate SCENAR into your existing practice or use it to start a new business.

You can effectively use a small range of protocols and treatment approaches to make this work VERY WELL right from day one! This will enhance the Scenar practitioners’ self-confidence in dealing with various health issues and conditions using SCENAR therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can either take the traditional route, undertake 2 days of Level 1, 2 days of Level2 and other classes, spend a fortune, miss days away from your practice and still not understand how to implement what you have been taught! Or you can excellerate your training in 2 days at our training centre, or you can undertake our online training course from the comfort of your own home or office. You will understand what you have been taught and how to implement it into your practice – SCENAR Excel Training. The choice is yours!

You can buy a home or Pro SCENAR device and use it with good results. But if you are trained by an experienced team of trainers you will be able to experience amazing results faster.

SCENAR will work! But the traditional training will not help the success rate either. SCENAR Excel Traing online course structure and content will not only teach you effective SCENAR therapy but also how to ingegrate it into your practice or start a new business!

Our training courses a fully certified and you will be able to add them to your existing practice insurance (assuming they cover SCENAR) or change your insurance to Westminster Global Insurance Group for full cover.

The traditional training houses are not so good at the after training support? We feel that if you are going to succeed with SCENAR and integrating into your practice, you need support. Call us, email us, message us or watch the online videos again of the trainnig protocols. Simple.

We sell all SCENAR devices and can ship worldwide. We also have a range of accessories and in our shop you will find the ‘traing starter pack’ of accessories you will need for the training.

Who can benfit from SCENAR?




Massage therapists










Sports Therapists


YOU & Your clients

Sign up to enrol on the course!

COST: £625.00 (you will need leads, patches & gloves as well as a device)
Any questions, get in touch.
[t] +44 (0)1243 514 158 [m] +44 (0)7733 204477
See the links below to purchase device & accessories if required
REMEMBER! you are fully qualified & insurable after our intensive online SCENAR training course!
As well as being very competent and effective with treating your clients.

Purchase a SCENAR Device

Purchase a SCENAR Sport D V2 or a selection of Pro devices at competitive prices. We can ship anywhere in the World.

Purchase SCENAR Accessories

Gloves, leads, patches, slippers, mushrooms etc...
Accessories you will need for training and working including discounted Master Packs!

Changing your future with SCENAR

Our SCENAR online training courses will change your life and your practice for the better. It is delivered by Jenny, Kaylum and Steve Sapseid, SCENAR Therapists with combined experience of over 34 years and certified SCENAR Trainers and Therapists.

The difference is that we are practicing SCENAR therapists (full time) who undertake professional training. We apply into our training courses what we experience with our clients on a day-to-day basis, how we adapt our treatment processes and how we apply leverage to rapid successful treatment outcomes.

Years of running a successful pain relief clinic using SCENAR as the main tool has given us an edge that we are now sharing with you in this dynamic video training for results and success. Over 100 videos!

It is how we have simplified the learning process and made clear the integration process of SCENAR into your practice that makes our training courses unique and stand well above the rest.

A fully certified, insured, and registered training house delivering results fast!

Unrivaled SCENAR Online Training Support 24/7!

We do not train you and then leave you ‘high and dry’ to struggle with any questions or concerns!
We are here to answer your emails, phone calls,messages and live chat. You will be able to login and view the training videos of the SCENAR online training course you have just Purchased. Unsure of how to do a particular protocol or process, not any more! Just watch the video over and over again.
So put in a request regarding a specfic condition with your client and we will advise you the best approach.
Forum’s will be added along with valuable information and special offers in regular newsletters.
If you can think of anything we have missed then let us know and we will see if we can implement it. We would value your ideas. This is a training house that is not going to stand still; new courses, new approaches, new information.
supplying the most extensive scenar online training support

COMING SOON! Facebook style student support portal...

(Click on info gallery below:)

Reference material, see other students experiences, ask a question and get help from 3 SCENAR trainers and other students. All searchable by category etc. Info does not get lost in the pile of information, everything has a category with a history of previous experiences. Search at any time!