
About your qualified OnlineTrainers...

A totally unique Professional SCENAR online training course based on the highly successful training course carried out in our training centre for the last 6 years! Over 100 intensive training videos plus over 280 full colour illustrated pages of support material. The online approach has enabled us to include many more hours of training, adding greater value to the content. This online approach will also enable us to continually add more videos as we explore new techniques with rapid results!

"Everyone deserves good health, everyone has the ability to achieve a pain free, healthy lifestyle. I have spent the last 20 years driving this passion"

Jenny Sapseid


A qualified Classical SCENAR therapist with 16 years’ experience. I first came across SCENAR therapy when my husband, and fellow SCENAR therapist, was treated for severe back pain. The healing process was remarkable, so I wanted to know more!

The start of our SCENAR knowledge led to obtaining over 10 professional SCENAR qualifications over a 4 year period.  I am also a qualified Nutritionist and have gained an advanced Nutrition qualification under David Wolfe, one of the world’s leading nutritionists. I have experience and extensive knowledge which is enabling us to really make a difference to peoples’ lives.

Qualifications in Classic/Swedish Massage, Indian Head Massage, Gua Sha, Cupping, Acupressure and Trigger Point Therapy as well as spending the last 15 years studying Raw Food and addictions like sugar, to enable us to treat our clients from the inside out!

Our training, and many years’ experiences of running a pain relief clinic, drove us to develop our own SCENAR training program based on the success of our clients’ outcomes. We have been training therapists from all over the world for the last 6 years in our training centre, and now our online training which has been 2 years in the making, was created from requests from therapists Worldwide to put the training online. Thank you all for the idea. Being an online course it has enabled us to ‘give’ so much more because we are not restricted to the 2 day intensive training course.

Kaylum Sapseid


Qualified Personal Trainer, Sports Nutritionist, Sports Massage and SCENAR Therapist & Trainer. A broad skill set which enables Kaylum to approach a health issue from many angles. This skill set has also made Kaylum an invaluable asset in the structure/content of the online training course.

Additional to the above knowledge, Kaylum has spent the last 3 years studying herbs and nutrition under the World renowned Dr. Sebi, Kaylums’ knowledge and ability to apply this to our clients health issues gives our pain relief clinic the ultimate set of tools/knowledge to really make a difference.

Mother and son working for one goal; to make a difference to our clients and our students. This online training course is a cumulation of combined knowledge and experience of our team, presented in a clear and very informative approach. No complicated protocols, no confusing science, no waffle, just videos & handouts to impart our skills and client outcomes, to you, our students, to enable you to understand SCENAR therapy quickly and clearly so you can expand our goals & vision across the World while healing thousands of people in a natural way. Thank you.

“By pulling on many areas of expertise we have the ability to make a difference!”