Professional SCENAR Training

· April 12, 2023

Hi and Welcome to our Professional Online SCENAR training program – the most advanced and detailed online SCENAR training courses in the World!

Our Level 4 Diploma in Professional SCENAR training course will cover the essential basics, intermediate, and some advanced protocols as well as fast-track techniques to enable you to treat your clients effectively and with rapid results. You will not believe the effectiveness of SCENAR!

With over 870 minutes of video training covering everything to enable you to be proficient as a SCENAR therapist…. The other benefit of online training is that we will be continually adding new videos to the course as we develop new successful techniques.

No other training course, wether it is classroom based or online, offers such indepth training. We don’t just show you how to use the SCENAR for different parts of the body but show techniques for treating the most common conditions/ailments you will come accross as a therapist.

Conditions like; treating hands, feet, legs, arms, face, knees, lungs, kidneys, bladder, groin & legs, sciatica, psoas muscle, collagen, eyes, spleen, liver, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel, plantar fasciitis, whiplash, headaches & migrains, shoulders, vagus nerve, tennis & golfers elbow, epilepsy, lymphs, heart, bells palsy, arthritis, sports injuries, trauma & emotional release. Also a series of videos on self treatment techniques as well as an introduction to Gua Sha and Cupping to support your SCENAR treatments.

The list is almost endless. If we have missed something, let us know and we can add a video to the course!

What is covered in the training course...

What is so special about SCENAR?
Why is it so different
The Healing Triangle
Clients and their denial of conditions
Restoring Balance
What is a healing crisis?
An introduction to your device
Interaction with your client
A therapists approach
Spinal Cleanse Protocol
Paravertebral Dose & Brush
Neck & Shoulder treatment
Abdomen Cleansing (Spirals)
SCENAR Lymph Drainage
BEE Sting Setting
Using the SCENAR patches
SCENAR healing frequencies
Body Meridians
SCENAR Energy Clouds Protocol
Emotional healing/pain
Chakras for energy & recovery
Acupressure points
A special SCENAR treatment method – the ‘Magic Gloves’
Using the SCENAR gloves
Using multiple devices
The Dose setting
Using very low frequencies
Emotional Stress & Trauma
Emotional release
Suffering Back Pain
SCENAR and Epilepsy
SCENAR Accessories
The Healing Blanket
Freedom from body memory

Treating Specific Conditions and body parts; sciatica, whiplash, herniated disk, arthritis, epilepsy, migraines, plantar faciitis, carpal tunnel, vegus nerve, tennis & golfers elbow, bells palsy, IBS, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, rotator cuff, arms, legs, feet, shoulders, knees, back, psoas muscle, piriformis, groin, bladder, kidneys, lungs, eyes, spleen, liver, lymph drainage, neck, and many more.
Introduction to Gua Sha & Cupping.
A series of self-treatment videos.

And much more… 102 lessons that we will be continually be adding too, to expand the course. Make a suggestion and we will look at adding it to the course!

+13 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 103 Lessons
  • Course Certificate